We have started our new school year. This is a quarterly article about health related topics. We hope this to be a helpful source for all the KIA parents.
How to check body temperature
Thank you for your cooperation in checking your childs’ body temperature every morning.
Please observe your child carefully especially during April as their surrounding environment has changed a lot. Please inform us of any abnormal symptoms.
Correct way to check body temperature
Body temperature checked under the armpit is usually 36.3-37.4 degrees celsius while infant body temperature is around 36.-37.4 degrees celsius. The temperature is at its lowest at 4 in the morning. It increases by 1 degree throughout the day. Please remember that the body temperature differs from time of the day.
Gargling and handwash
Germs and viruses come into our body through eyes, nose and mouth, and are spread from person to person. Handwashing is an effective way to prevent catching cold and infectious diseases. Please advise your child to wash their hands after outside play, after using the toilet and also before eating. It is important to spend 30 seconds washing hands thoroughly. At KIA, we teach our children the importance of gargling and washing hands.
Cold germs are found here and there, on hands and in the throat. They are seeking an opportunity to get into the body. Don’t forget to gargle after coming back home!
June 4th Awareness week for keeping teeth and gum healthy
Teeth are essential in eating. When a milk tooth falls off with a cavity, it will affect eating, and will affect physical development. Children from 2.5-3 years old practice eating using their jaws, lips and tongue. It is important for them to eat what they are capable of eating at their age. Also, chewing thoroughly will prevent obesity and cavities from saliva produced in the process. At KIA, we have activities for children to teach the importance of brushing teeth and having healthy teeth.
0-1-2 years old
5 points in developing chewing and eating habits
①Move facial muscles
-Blowing food to cool, sucking liquids using straws will build facial musicals.
②Using hands to eat
-For toddlers around 1 year old, it is the right time for them to feel and touch food. Using both hands and mouth will teach them “bite-size” which will prevent them from choking. Having enough experience using hands will help them improve their use of spoons and forks.
③Trying different food
-Any child may refuse at first, but try again after taking a break. Let your child experience different kinds of food.
④Don’t scold on spitting out food
-It is not usual to see your child spitting out food after chewing. It happens because they are still developing skills of mixing food with their saliva. They can choke if you force them to swallow. Please take your time and it is always a great idea to chop food into smaller pieces.
⑤Trying chewy food
-Trying chewy food such as mushrooms, root vegetables, and konjac will improve their chewing skills. Also, it helps in producing saliva which keeps the mouth healthy. Slowly add new chewy food into the menu.
Babies will have their cute little milk teeth by 7-8 months old. They will have 20 milk teeth by 3 years old. Milk teeth are soft and enamel is thin, which makes their teeth vulnerable to cavities. Please make a habit of brushing your childs’ teeth everyday. Also, it is recommended that you take your child for a dental checkup regularly.
3-4-5 years old:
Tips for children to like brushing teeth
①Tips for children to like brushing teeth
-Letting your child choose their toothbrush will encourage them to brush their teeth. Use an age-appropriate toothbrush for helping, but remember to let them use their favorite for themselves.
②Watch over
-We tend to rush children to brush their teeth after meals especially when busy. However, children need to enjoy it to get used to it. Please watch over them.
③Gently help
-Children will start to hate when it's’ hurtful. Please be gentle and careful especially with their gum and membranes using a light touch.
Interaction between children (developmental stage)
Children interact with others with a foundation of trust relationship they’ve built between adults. This interaction with others will develop their mind and body. They learn a lot through experiences.
0-1 year old:
Will learn about fundamental trust relationships with adults.
1-2 years old:
Shows interest in others, copying facial expressions, getting close by crawling, using the same toys.
2-3 years old:
Starts to express their claims, experiences fighting over a toy and arguments with others. They start to understand others’ feelings by having adults show empathy and understand their feelings.
4-5 years old:
Can make claims while playing with others, understand others’ feelings, and can be patient. They will start solving small problems by themselves.
Elementary & Secondary School
Congratulations on entrance and proceeding!
A new academic year has started. Through “Health and Safety Newsletter”, I will be sharing information about body and health. My role is to support children, making sure they enjoy their school life. Nice to meet you!
Measuring Body Temperature
Thank you for your cooperation in measuring the body temperature of your child every morning. Compared to before Covid, children are much more familiar with their normal temperature. Human body is made to keep its temperature between 36-37 degrees celsius. Just going over 37 degrees doesn’t mean a fever. We need to compare the change in the normal temperature.
Also, we should be aware of “low temperature”. Low temperature means the temperature is below 36 degrees. It is mainly caused by poor blood circulation. We have white blood cells in our blood. This is a part of our immune system that protects us from any germs and viruses. However, poor blood circulation caused by low temperature, will naturally slow down the white blood cell, meaning it weakens the immune system. We can easily get sick. It is said that going 1 temperature down will reduce the immune system by 30%. Reducing the immune system means a higher risk of getting infected with infectious diseases. Here are some ways to increase your body temperature.
*Eat balanced meals.
◇Moving body
*Temperature increases, by moving 40%-80% of your muscles. Move big muscles such as back, thighs and buttocks.
*Get into a bathtub, and warm up from the inside.
Last year, one of our G6 students did a research project on “Handwashing” for her PYP Exhibition. While wearing a mask has become a social norm, she focused on raising awareness of the importance of the proper handwashing steps.
In the April Assembly, I introduced the risk of contagious disease and the importance of handwashing to students. In 2022, we all would like to work on proper handwashing. To begin with, I asked students to bring their favorite handkerchiefs. Favorite handkerchiefs will motivate students to bring and wash their hands. I was first worried about how assembly could change the students' behavior. However, I was surprised how students came to me to show their handkerchiefs. It was a moment I felt precious about being able to work with children and seeing them grow. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.
It's getting warmer, however it is still cool in the mornings and evenings. Hydration does not prevent dehydration, but also hydrates our membranes to protect us from infectious viruses. Viruses such as cold and flu, come into our body through our membranes. By having our membranes hydrated, it will protect our body from viruses. Please advise your children to keep hydrated at home.
June 4th- Awareness week for keeping teeth and gum healthy
Every year, it is impressive to see many students going to dental checkups. Japanese are said to have high hygiene standards, however we are falling behind in terms of dental “lifespan” and “health”. The 8020 movement is popular in Japan, which aims to maintain more than 20 teeth at the age of 80. However, in reality, the average number of teeth over 80 years old is 13. Meanwhile, in Sweden, its average is 21. “Dental checkups” makes a big difference. In Sweden, people think of dentists as a preventer of cavities, not carere of cavities. Preventive dentistry is mandatory for all people in Sweden. Let’s brush our teeth everyday, and have regular dental checkups.