Curriculum Lab Advisor Ken Mogi
There are few important things for children to gain, to play an active part of the globalising world.
The first thing is English skill. Science and Technology of course, you get information only in English when thinking about “tomorrow” of human beings and the world.
The second thing is “Critical Thinking” or to become a critical thinker. Not to memorise ideas, but to gain skills to individually inquire, research, think, and make a judgement.
The last thing is communication skills. To being able to communicate, to openly discuss with people with different languages, different backgrounds.
These are the tasks we challenge to enjoy learning.
Many elite educators from Japan and overseas are continuing to research, to evolve curriculums, and they offer curriculums that brings out the unlimited potential of child’s brain.
It can be said that schools runned by Kansai International Academy is one of the best options.